
Search results

  1. Soil scientists gather in Phoenix to share scientific research

    Degraded Site in Illinois. Contextualizing Urban Soil Pb within a Public Health Framework. Characterization ... a Winter Cereal Rye Cover Crop at Ten Sites Across the US Cornbelt. Bioenergy Production and Carbon ...

  2. Funding awarded to study trust in food, energy, and water consumption feedback

    Adams:   Ian holds a B.S. in Marketing from The Ohio State University. During his undergraduate career, ...

  3. Congress draws Arachnologists from all over the world

    on the ground hunting spider community in former wildfire sites that are the focus of conservation ...

  4. Master of Science (MS)

    students in our program will demonstrate rigor in becoming familiar with literature relevant to the ...

  5. DEADLINE: Nominations Due for the Lee Johnston Leadership Award

    Award.   The Lee Johnston Leadership Award is presented to undergraduate students who demonstrate ...

  6. Alumni Career Spotlight: Garrett Caudill

    provide technical expertise to private landowners. I am tasked with performing the site visits on CRP/CREP ... Pheasants Forever, ODNR, or whoever, they want someone with a high work ethic. This can be demonstrated by ... your grades you had in college. It can be demonstrated by the internships you’ve held. Honestly, it can ...

  7. 2024 Ohio Maple Madness Tour

    are part of the day along with fresh syrup and pancakes.  See PDF for details. The Ohio Maple Madness ...

  8. Current Graduate Students

    instructors with the work of running a course, such as grading or driving students to field sites. Such ...

  9. Alumni Career Spotlight: Michael Keeler

    model, or if there was a large enough market to sustain my business. I also had to take financial and ...

  10. Professional Master’s (MENR)

    study as well, giving students a concentration of related expertise to bolster their marketability in ...
