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  1. To Measure Food Waste, Ohio State Students Dig Into It

    colleges in the state as well as talks about partnerships between universities and local businesses to ...

  2. Meet the Riehms! #FarmerFocus Friday   Signup: Season: 20 weeks, Early June- Mid October What will I get?: ...

  3. Make Pledge Today to Celebrate Ohio Local Foods Week, Aug. 7-13

    information on Ohio Local Foods Week, including ways for local businesses and families to get involved, is ...

  4. 8th Scarlet, Gray and Green Fair Set for Thursday in Wooster

    program (funding assistance for farmers and rural small businesses); Washington, D.C.-based Solar United ...

  5. Chow Line: Healthy Breakfast Choices Include Whole Grains, Protein

    a busy morning? Eating a meal in the morning helps your body fuel up for the day, especially if you make ...

  6. Developing a Strategy for Precision Soil Sampling

    There are many different tools and approaches available that, if used correctly, can help to ... late-season application, nutrient BMPs, etc). However, selecting the correct tools and using them to your ... advantage is not always an easy process, since the best tool and the best approach can vary by farmer and ...

  7. Ohio State Offers Free Screening of Film Dedicated to Increasing Urban Agriculture

    understanding of how to create or expand agriculture-related business opportunities for people who want to get ...

  8. Cover Crop Field Day

    Council’s selection tool can be used to assist in deciding which covers are best for individual farms. ...

  9. Now is the Time to Check Your Nozzles

    hold a high value in their ability to influence sprayer performance. First, nozzles meter the desired ...

  10. 2015 Soil Fertility On-Farm Projects

    numerous OSU extension personnel, crop consultants and farmer cooperators. We will cast a broad net to ...
