
Search results

  1. Clutter-Free Living workshop at New Madison Public Library

    where you will be given the tools to create a plan to address the clutter in your home and make ...

  2. Webinars Focus on Technologies to Help Increase Business

    webinars will help business owners take advantage of these tools to increase sales and determine what types ... other technologies to help increase business is being offered by Penn State Extension in collaboration ... media tools, including Facebook, Twitter, Foursquare and Google Maps, allow customers to connect with ...

  3. A Day in the Woods Webinar-Mapping Your Woods

    virtually via Zoom and YouTube videos.    This program will focus on tools that you can use to locate ... Positioning System) phone applications and online mapping tools. These topics will be presented during a live ... of online mapping tools including My Land Plan, Google Earth Pro and other free or low cost mapping ...

  4. In Debt? Out of a Job? OSU Extension Tool Assists Ohioans Faced with Financial Difficulties

    businesses," said Pat Brinkman, an OSU Extension educator in Fayette County. "We wanted to provide a tool ... federal financial education, tools, programs, and other resources. The information is delivered primarily ... Ohioans, the financial services and tools they may not have been aware of or were unsure of even where to ...

  5. Climate Action: Our Local Response to a Global Challenge

    streetcar system, and recruitment and retention of businesses. From 1994 to 2000 Jim served as the Downtown ... business leaders. Additionally, she helped to reinvent the town-gown relationship with The Ohio State ...

  6. Hear us ROAR: Bioregional restoration of central Ohio’s ecological systems

    quickly gained international acclaim, his  Blog on Medium  is followed by over 23k people and his social ... made five business days in advance will generally allow us to provide seamless access. However, we will ...

  7. Land Use, Land Trusts, and "Smart Growth" Links

    housing, business, economy, environment, health; tools) Greater Ohio Policy Center (advocates policies and ... trusts/others; model documents and wealth of tools/info) Land Trust Accreditation Commission (accredits land ... meet economic, health/environment, and social goals through research, tools, partnerships, case ...

  8. 4-H Club News Reports

    'N Ends February 2021 April 2021 Show Hoppers January 2021 March 2021 Versailles Busy Beavers ...

  9. Satisfied Homeowners, Sustainable Planet- Energy Audits, Appliances, Lighting, Advanced Controls

    donated over 10% of net profits in services and materials for low-income residential renovation and other ... Representative, Current, powered by GE  1:30    Smart Meter and You,  M. Allen Casto, Information Technology ...

  10. “Strong @ Heart” Email Wellness Challenge

    Healthy Live Well Blog and Facebook page. Register at https:// For more information ...
