Submitted by: Cindy Bond, Extension Educator Community Development
Shale Development is a common term in Eastern Ohio as the area continues to grow and expand. What is the role of Ohio State University Extension in this area? OSU Extension can provide unbiased research based information. In addition to this website, there are many other OSU Extension resources available. Below are three other OSU resources that may be useful.
- The Subsurface Energy Resource Center (SERC) contributes to the knowledge of subsurface resource development and its associated environmental issues, as well as serves as a resource to policy makers. SERC was established at The Ohio State University in 2011 in response to technical advances that are leading to the expansion of horizontal drilling for hydrocarbon-bearing shale and other resources across Ohio. As one of the nation’s largest research universities and the state’s land-grant institution. Visit the following link to learn more.
- The OSU Extension Shale Education Program serves to educate landowners and communities on the development of Ohio's shale resources. While shale exploration is prevalent throughout the United States, the eastern portion of Ohio has recently experienced a surge in the shale development activity. The shale library contains materials developed by OSU Extension to help educate landowners and the general public on Ohio's shale development "boom." Visit the following link to learn more about shale and issues related to shale development.
- Ohioline is a valuable information resource. Principally produced by Ohio State University Extension, OhioLINE is your Link to Information, News and Educational resources of not only OSU Extension but of the College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences, The Ohio Agricultural Research and Development Center, and the Agricultural Technical Institute. Research and Extension programs are also supported by the colleges of Human Ecology, Veterinary Medicine, and Biological Sciences. Through Ohioline, you have access to the hundreds of factsheets, bulletins and other educational materials covering a wide array of subjects. Visit the following link to learn more.