Landowner Considerations for solar lease agreements

Feb. 12, 2019

Large solar facilities with a generating capacity of 50 MW or more must obtain a certificate from the Ohio Power Siting Board.  As of February 2019, nine large scale solar cases representing 1,249 megawatts of potential capacity were submitted to the Ohio Power Sitting Board and either approved (3) or pending (6).  As a result of this development trend, many Ohio landowners are being approached to lease their land for large scale solar development.  Solar leases are complex long-term commitments with various social, financial, and legal implications.  Many times, the initial agreement is written in favor of the developer to best achieve their long-term interest, flexibility and objectives.

Click here to read a recent Emens and Wolper Law Firm article titled, Landowner Dangers with Solar Options, Solar Leases and Solar Easements, list some major concerns and key landowner considerations with Solar Options, Solar Leases and Solar Easements.


Submitted by: Eric Romich, OSU Extension Field Specialist, Energy Education