Energize Ohio Business and Manufactures Workshop - Developing and Financing On-Site Renewable Energy Projects

Feb. 26, 2013

Please join us on March 14th, for the Energize Ohio Business and Manufactures Workshop - Developing and Financing On-Site Renewable Energy Projects.  The half-day workshop will be held at Owens Community College in Findlay Ohio and is sponsored by JobsOhio and OSU Extension.  Program participants will learn about Ohio energy policy and renewable energy development strategies implemented by businesses in northwest Ohio.  The ultimate goal of this workshop is to provide Ohio business and industry the tools and knowledge to make informed decisions on energy investments, allowing them to prosper, grow, and provide stabilized employment opportunities for Ohioans.

Please RSVP by email to  odrumsky.1@osu.edu or by phone at (614) 292-6232.  For additional information on this workshop please review the attached agenda and brochure.