Past Events

  1. Sep 12, 2022 (All day)

    Solar & Traditional Energy Updates for Local Government As a local government leader, learn more about what your responsibilities are and what you can or cannot do related to energy topics and projects. Join speakers from Ohio State University Extension, Ohio Farm Bureau and The Ohio Department of Natural Resources to learn more about current Solar & Traditional Energy topics, legislation and trends. Sept. 12 –Solar Sept. 26 –Traditional Energy (Oil & Gas) TIME: 10 -11:30 a.m. LOCATION: Via Zoom   Links provided upon Registration

  2. May 23, 2019 (All day)

    Is solar a good deal? What is the payback on solar? Will my utility let me connect to the grid and will they pay me for the electricity?  This webinar will help you find the answer to these questions for farmers you work with.  

  3. May 21, 2019 (All day)

    Is solar a good deal? What is the payback on solar? Will my utility let me connect to the grid and will they pay me for the electricity?  This webinar will help you find the answer to these questions for farmers you work with.  

  4. May 16, 2019 (All day)

    Is solar a good deal? What is the payback on solar? Will my utility let me connect to the grid and will they pay me for the electricity?  This webinar will help you find the answer to these questions for farmers you work with.  

  5. May 14, 2019 (All day)

    Is solar a good deal? What is the payback on solar? Will my utility let me connect to the grid and will they pay me for the electricity?  This webinar will help you find the answer to these questions for farmers you work with.  

  6. May 9, 2019 (All day)

    Is solar a good deal? What is the payback on solar? Will my utility let me connect to the grid and will they pay me for the electricity?  This webinar will help you find the answer to these questions for farmers you work with.  

  7. May 7, 2019 (All day)

    Is solar a good deal? What is the payback on solar? Will my utility let me connect to the grid and will they pay me for the electricity?  This webinar will help you find the answer to these questions for farmers you work with.  

  8. Feb 22, 2018 (All day)

    Photovoltaic (PV) panels are an increasingly common sight on urban rooftops and rural properties across the U.S. The declining cost of equipment and installation makes installing a behind-the-electric-meter (net metered) solar electric system enticing for many farmers. Evaluating the financial prudence of an investment in solar requires careful consideration of installation costs, the value of production, and opera on and maintenance costs.

  9. Feb 22, 2018 (All day)

    Photovoltaic (PV) panels are an increasingly common sight on urban rooftops and rural properties across the U.S. The declining cost of equipment and installation makes installing a behind-the-electric-meter (net metered) solar electric system enticing for many farmers. Evaluating the financial prudence of an investment in solar requires careful consideration of installation costs, the value of production, and opera on and maintenance costs.

  10. Feb 15, 2018 (All day)

    Photovoltaic (PV) panels are an increasingly common sight on urban rooftops and rural properties across the U.S. The declining cost of equipment and installation makes installing a behind-the-electric-meter (net metered) solar electric system enticing for many farmers. Evaluating the financial prudence of an investment in solar requires careful consideration of installation costs, the value of production, and opera on and maintenance costs.
